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Baldur Bjarnason

Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

Tagged “interim notes”

  1. Todo notes as a storm approaches
    – 1190 words
  2. The web is a creative industry and is facing the same decline and shattered economics as film, TV, or publishing
    – 1414 words
  3. Interim note 5: web media and web dev employment
    – 1720 words
  4. Interim note 4: time-based media
    – 1314 words
  5. Quick and only partially coherent review of 2024
    – 1390 words
  6. Interim note 3: text-based media in the age of showmanship
    – 1028 words
  7. Interim note 2: business thoughts
    – 892 words
  8. Interim note 1: tech
    – 1063 words

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