Tagged “AI”
This page contains all of what I’ve published on AI. Much of it is research for my book: The Intelligence Illusion (Second Edition): Why generative models are bad for business.
- AI and Esoteric Fascism
- Now I'm disappointed.
- Knowledge tech that's subtly wrong is more dangerous than tech that's obviously wrong. (Or, where I disagree with Robin Sloan.)
- Poisoning for propaganda: rising authoritarianism makes LLMs more dangerous
- 'The Intelligence Illusion (Second Edition): Why generative models are bad for business' – Black Friday launch sale
- An interesting analysis of fair use and generative models
- The LLM honeymoon phase is about to end
- Your use of AI is directly harming the environment I live in
- Blogging in the age of 'AI'
- A note on the EU AI Act
- The other shoe dropping on 'AI' and office work
- The sentiment disconnect on 'AI' between tech and the public
- AI and Asbestos: the offset and trade-off models for large-scale risks are inherently harmful
- New Web Development. Or, why Copilots and chatbots are particularly bad for modern web dev
- 'Slop': the rhetorical gambit of framing failure as partial success
- The mainstreaming of 'AI' scepticism
- The lifecycle of a tech bubble
- The 'AI' chaos
- The deskilling of web dev is harming the product but, more importantly, it's damaging our health – this is why burnout happens
- 'I'm shocked -- shocked! -- that LLMs are being used to generate slop'
- React, Electron, and LLMs have a common purpose: the labour arbitrage theory of dev tool popularity
- Generated images for non-generated text and video
- The unsustainability of the AI Bubble
- Again, my position on LLMs is that you absolutely shouldn't be using them with very, very few exceptions
- 'This shit's so expensive': a note on generative models and software margins
- 'They ban products, don't they?'
- The one about the web developer job market
- The Intelligence Illusion: stepping into a pile of 'AI'
- Bad AI Business Models, Lazy AI Criticism, Queer Holiday-themed movies, and a bunch of links
- Bad Business AI: Channel 1
- The Elegiac Hindsight of Intelligent Machines
- Making or using generative 'AI' is, all else being equal, a dick move
- Fear Of Missing Out is lethal when somebody invents a footgun
- My position on AI (for future reference)
- You can't debate bullshit (and some links)
- The LLMentalist Effect: how chat-based Large Language Models replicate the mechanisms of a psychic's con
- What's the game?
- Language models and software quality and other links
- Modern software quality, or why I think using language models for programming is a bad idea
- 'Generative AI: What You Need To Know' is a free guide to help you spot AI bullshit
- Prompts are unfit for purpose and other links
- Prompts are unsafe, and that means language models are not fit for purpose
- Writing when tech has broken the web's social contract
- Praise for my ebooks 'The Intelligence Illusion' and 'Out of the Software Crisis'
- The truth about the EU AI Act and foundation models, or why you should not rely on ChatGPT summaries for important texts
- Google Bard's vulnerabilities and other links
- Google Bard is a glorious reinvention of black-hat SEO spam and keyword-stuffing
- ‘What next?’ he asks with trepidation
- Additions to my book, The Intelligence Illusion
- The poisoning of ChatGPT
- My writing on AI; the story so far
- The polarisation of AI discourse serves nobody except power
- AI code copilots are backwards-facing tools in a novelty-seeking industry
- Beware of AI pseudoscience and snake oil
- Artificial General Intelligence and the bird brains of Silicon Valley
- Studying the pitfalls and potential of generative code (plus links)
- Why I wrote The Intelligence Illusion—a book on the risks of generative AI (available now)
- Three factors of AI anthropomorphism
- AI, Algogen, and Anti-Poetry
- The hard truth about productivity research
- The AI is an American
- GDPR and American AIs
- Regulating AI (plus links & notes)
- How to regulate AI
- AI summaries are almost certainly unreliable
- AI in healthcare
- AI summaries and AI healthcare (links & notes)
- Keeping up with and assessing AI research (links & notes)
- Why you should ignore most AI research you hear about on social media
- Waiting for the AI Godot (Links & Notes)
- When you promise an AI revolution, eventually you will have to deliver
- Book production, AI, Single-Page-Apps, and other links and notes
- AI is a Hail Mary pass and other links & notes
- Generative AI is the tech industry's Hail Mary pass
- EU and copyright protections for AI-generated works and other notes
See all tags.