Photography as a coping mechanism (18 November 2024 photo post)
Sometimes photography can work as a coping mechanism – both taking them and viewing can be a way of processing that doesn’t require putting anything into words.
Really like this first one. Largely because it was raining, my glasses were foggy, and I couldn’t see a thing, so I was just attemping to line up blurred shapes into something geometric.

Back in 2018 I was living in Montréal, trying to go through the immigration process there, and feeling thoroughly alienated. So, I got myself a project. I began to go regularly to Parc Jarry, which was nearby and take photos… Capturing a year of park life from the outside in. I only lately got around to narrowing the thousands I took down to a proper four photos, one for each season. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Spring.

Over the weekend I took couple of days off social media. It was what I needed and I might start to do that regularly. Did a lot of walks and photography. A curious quality of Iceland’s short midwinter day is how it feels like a dawn and a sunset rolled into one with no actual day. The light is born dying. But then again, isn’t everything?

The light makes even otherwise kinda boring scenes interesting.

Retro cat photos! These were all taken around 2000–late 90s, early 00s—on a Yashica film SLR. Mostly taken in the Gamli Vesturbær (“old westside”) neighbourhood in Reykjavík. #caturday