Pre-order the hard-cover print edition of Out of the Software Crisis
To be released on November 7, 2023. Pre-order now to get a $10 USD discount.
Software projects keep failing, not because we don’t have the right team or tools but because our software development system is broken. Out of the Software Crisis is a guide to fixing your software projects with systems-thinking making them more resilient to change and less likely to fail.
The print edition will be:
- Case bound with a glossy cover.
- 180 pages.
- Shipped from either the US, if you’re ordering from the US, or the UK if you’re ordering from anywhere else.
- Those ordering from outside the US or the UK might have to pay additional customs charges on delivery.
- The book should appear in regular book store distribution systems late November or early December.
- Print orders do not include the ebook as that would make VAT-handling and sales tax even more complicated.
- All pre-orders will get an automatic $10 discount automatically applied at checkout and get the book for only $50 USD.
- Payments are processed by PayPal. You should be able to finish the purchase as a “guest” without needing to create a PayPal account.

Praise for the ebook edition of Out of the Software Crisis: Systems-Thinking for Software Projects #
The only issue so far with Baldur’s book is how distracted I am by the typography. It’s a bit too good 😅. – David Larlet
I’ve bought your book based solely on the extract about the business value of unit testing on the website. I read that and thought “YES! At last! Someone’s said it.” and wondered what else you have to say. I’m looking forward to reading it. :) – Chris Neale
I read Baldur’s book ‘Out of the Software Crisis’ on the flight over yesterday and I’d strongly recommend reading it. – Orta Therox
This is basically a book full of hot takes and I’m here for it. – James Harton
“Out of the Software Crisis” by Baldur is a great book and well worth the read. Highly quotable, and really challenged my view of software development in a few places. – Nolan Lawson
Really great as an introduction to systems thinking as applied to software design. – Jennifer Jiang
Love this quote about design from “Out of the software crisis” by Baldur: “Decoration [is] the least important thing design does for software…[aesthetics] is part of what design does. It isn’t what you hire designers to do.” – Jim Neilsen
This book “out of the software crisis” by Baldur Bjarnason is really good 👍. I cannot recommend it highly enough. – KimSia Sim
Just finished Baldur’s new book “Out of the Software Crisis”. It’s a whistle-stop tour of the history and current state of #software development, and an intro to systems thinking. Very relatable if you’re a #webdev, and has inspired me to read more… – Ben Walker
“Out of the Software Crisis” by Baldur is so good that I shared it with our executive management team. It’s short, non-technical, well-researched and identifies the key reasons software projects fail and how to improve the chance of success. Hoping this authoritative little book will help our team look beyond the waterfall/agile/safe/whatever dogmas to the importance of the wider organization in determining success. – @doctorlaura