Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

Photos (16 October 2024)

This group of Icelandic Redpolls stopped by to snack on some birch seeds

Two redpolls breakfast in a birch tree. One is momentarily on lookout Three redpolls breakfast in a birch tree.

So, turns out a clear sky, autumn colours, cold still air, and a geothermally active nature are quite picturesque when combined.

An Icelandic horse stand in field, mildly curious about the photographer. A view of that same field of horses except from the other side, a bit higher up. It shows the field, a few horses, steam rising from a couple of hot sprints, and a setting sun Some reconstructions of traditional Icelandic “architecture”. We used to build crap out of sod because we didn’t have the resources for anything else. An old mail box for an even older house that’s probably been there since before Hveragerði existed as a town

The steam from the mud and hot water springs was particularly visible in the cold. And people out walking in the quiet weather.

Grass and shrubbery shrouded in steam. We see glimpses of a fence and a sign. In the distance, as always, mountains. More fenced fields covered with steam. The grass is quite yellowed already. In the distance we se the peak of a mountain clearly A plume of steam rises from a particularly active hot spring. The sun is setting off to the side of the picture Large steam plumes cast dark shadows over a steaming hillside. Two people walk the path ahead as it curves around a hill A couple of tourists walk along a hill. A cloud of steam rises in the background

The local cat shelter here in Hveragerði, run by the organisation Villikettir Suðurlands, has a couple of new inhabitants

A black and white, a bit “arty” frankly, photo of this same house from a perspective that lets you see a bit more of it. Like most Icelandic “fúnkís” houses, it has a flat but slanted roof A photo of a “funkis” style corner window in a run down house. The corner divides the image in two. On the dark side, we see the head of a cat pop up to look at the photographer

For this #caturday, a couple of photos of a neighbour of mine, a cat who I’ve nicknamed “Miss Sensible”. She’s the sibling of the other two neighbour cats whose pictures I often post—Mouser Queen and Fluffy Murder Bro—but doesn’t go out as much. Pretty much stays indoors unless the weather is particularly nice and even then only for short walk. Hence Miss Sensible.

The cat I call Miss Sensible is a short-haired calico cat and in this photo she sits in autumn-themed grass while looking at the photographer In this photo she is walking towards the shadow that the house is casting.
You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky