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Baldur Bjarnason

Newish movies

Baldur Bjarnason

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been doing a bit of a stint watching new-ish movies. That is movies that have come out in the past five to ten years that I missed out on.

I used to be an avid movie-goer, but I basically stopped going to the cinema post-COVID. Living in Montréal from 2016-2020 also cut down on my going because Montréal cinemas were kind of gross. Most of them felt like they hadn’t been cleaned since the release of the first Die Hard movie. Walking through them felt like I was tracking through the sticky spilled-soda residue of the entire Star Wars franchise from 1977 onwards. UK cinemas weren’t great but Montréal’s English language ones were worse.

So far:

All in all, a lot of interesting and well-made movies. U.S. film-makers still know how to make decent movies. The problem looks to be entirely the studios’ inability to reach a mass audience.