Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

Links and Photos (23 September 2024)

Note on the bubble

The problem with predicting the imminent pop of the AI Bubble by pointing out how incredibly bad its business fundamentals are, is that tech investors – the crowd that needs to panic for the bubble to pop – have an extremely high tolerance for falsehoods and unrealistic promises. Otherwise they wouldn’t be investing in tech.

The temptation to commit fraud – fake the numbers to make AI look successful – is going to be really strong. Those who believe in “AI” believe it’s inevitable and that it will transform every aspect of society. A little bit of criminal falsifying in order to buy time for the revolution to truly kick in won’t cause many of them to even blink.

And no this isn’t about Ed Zitron’s posts specifically. His analysis is sound and he usually holds off from making timeline predictions. However, his pointing out that it’s all a house of cards causes dozens of other people to write posts of their own predicting that it’s all about to fall apart and, barring something unforeseen, I simply don’t think that’s about to happen any time soon.


I really enjoyed this first picture. Had to go to that spot three times on three separate walks before I captured a picture I feel sort of works.

Vibes of autumn. The grass is changing colour. In the foreground is a bench. Beyond it, horses graze. In the background we have a mountain.

Spotted this hardy fellow in the Hveragerði town flower garden. Good going considering it’s already getting colder here in Iceland

A bumblebee busies itself working a flower, which I think is a violent? I admit I'm going entirely by its colour when I say that.

A couple of recent photos of the local mouser queen.

A grey and white cat lounges on a fence, framed by trees

That same grey and white cat sits on the seat of a large lawnmower.
You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky