Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

Links (12 August 2024)

On the Google Antitrust ruling

That feeling when you read an analysis of the Google antitrust case and it opens with literal robber baron apologia—“massive consumer benefits”, “brought literal light to the masses”—and you know that reading it to the end is going to be a fucking chore.

That analysts can write “getting exploited is good for you, actually” shit like this without immediately getting chucked into the sea by an angry mob never ceases to amaze me.

On the argument made for “AI”

The “pro” discourse surrounding “AI” is very disingenuous.

The answer to every criticism – the functionality issues, the biases, the unsafe code, the pseudoscience, or the environmental impact – is always “critics keep saying that AI is useless and that’s delusional”. They keep pretending that critics only have one argument against “AI” and a delusional one to boot.

And, yeah, there are critics who do point out that generative models are useless in their specific field. That’s valid. Dismissing that criticism just because the tech might have some use in an unrelated field is a grifter move

When you make a dishonest argument debating “AI”—during a bubble where supporting the bubble has a potentially huge financial upside – those of us who are watching have to assume that you ARE dishonest and that dealing with you will just expose us to risk.

So I, at least, won’t.

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky