Web dev at the end of the world, from Hveragerði, Iceland

Links (18 June 2024)

Returned to the old link format as the one I tried last week didn’t translate well to RSS.

This week’s highlight

“Generative AI Is Not Going To Build Your Engineering Team For You - Stack Overflow”.

By not hiring and training up junior engineers, we are cannibalizing our own future. We need to stop doing that.

Any industry that stops hiring entry-level workers is in for a very, very bad time a decade down the line.

However, you cannot trust generated code. I can’t emphasize this enough. AI-generated code always looks quite plausible, but even when it kind of “works”, it’s rarely congruent with your wants and needs. It will happily generate code that doesn’t parse or compile. It will make up variables, method names, function calls; it will hallucinate fields that don’t exist. Generated code will not follow your coding practices or conventions. It is not going to refactor or come up with intelligent abstractions for you. The more important, difficult or meaningful a piece of code is, the less likely you are to generate a usable artifact using AI.

The rest

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky